Our Process

We come to you or you meet us.

We are over 90% successful with the patients we perform cleanings on. Pets with severe anxiety, health concerns, & certain breeds unfortunately do not make great candidates for our services. This is where a Consultation Service may come in handy for you.

We do not service cats at this time.

There are some exceptions to who we can help.

We offer both mobile (in-home) cleanings & host multiple clinics throughout the DMV area. Check out our Upcoming Clinics page for the schedule & booking! For Mobile cleanings, please click the Schedule button.

Here's a list of some dogs we do not perform our services for:

  • Brachycephalic breeds (French & English bulldogs, Pekingese, Pugs, & more).

  • Senior dogs (14+), unless they are in good health.

  • Dogs with severe health concerns such as, but not limited to: congestive heart failure, heart murmurs grade 4+, dogs undergoing cancer treatments, untreated Cushing's or Addison's disease.

  • Dogs with extreme anxiety that can’t be treated with medication from your veterinarian or groomed by a groomer.

  • Dogs with extreme aggression towards dogs or people.

  • Dogs with severe periodontal disease that are in need of radiographs & extractions.


Do you use sterile tools?

Yes. We use clean, sterile tools for every patient. After each use, our tools are manually scrubbed of debris, sharpened for effectiveness, & then go through a cold sterilization process. 

How effective is your anesthesia-free teeth cleanings compared to dental work done under anesthesia?

We cannot speak for other anesthesia-free cleaning services, but Dazzling Canines is a great preventative procedure that can be done in conjunction with dentals under anesthesia. We use both ultrasonic & hand tools to clean both supra- & sub-gingivally (around & underneath the gum-line) to remove plaque/tartar from your dog's teeth. We finish every cleaning with a high-velocity polish to smooth micro-abrasions on the tooth surfaces to prevent plaque from coming back as quickly. With anesthesia-free cleaning methods, we cannot do radiographs or extractions of teeth. Those can only be safely done by a veterinarian while your pet is under general anesthesia. During our comprehensive oral exam, we probe the gum-line for periodontal pockets & assess the mouth to see if there are advanced dental issues that are better taken care of with an anesthetic procedure. 

I'd like to start brushing my dog's teeth at home, how do we start?

Brushing your dog’s teeth is an important part of keeping your pet healthy & it’s much like any other training method you do with your pup. We always promote positive reinforcement! Brushing daily or every other day is the best at keeping bacteria at bay in your dog's mouth. Check out our Products We Love page for our full list of recommendations! It’s up to your personal preference as to what toothbrush to use, as there are specific dog toothbrushes, finger brushes, or even toddler toothbrushes (the bristles are soft!) Please use dog toothpaste as human toothpaste is toxic to pets! Use a brand that specifies an "enzymatic" formula, as it includes natural enzymes to help fight bacteria, even after brushing. To make the brushing experience less stressful, start with a small section of the mouth. Gently lift your dog's lip to give yourself access to the teeth & gently massage where the gums & the teeth meet. Massaging the gum-line will help strengthen it, too. Work your pup up to cleaning the entire mouth & give them a dental treat afterward to help with the parts you may have missed!

How do I book an appointment?

For Clinics, please check out our Upcoming Clinics page & book your appointment there. For Mobile (In-Home) Cleanings, please request an appointment by clicking Schedule at the top right of our website.

Why should I have my dog's teeth cleaned?

Just like humans, dogs accumulate bacteria on their teeth through daily activities & over time, will lead to plaque & calculus build-up (that yellow/brown/black film you see on their teeth). Bacteria gets under the gum-line causing gingivitis (inflammation of the gum-line), tooth decay/loss, infections/abscesses & ultimately can affect organs like the heart, liver, & kidneys. Having your dog's teeth cleaned on a regular basis can help protect your dog from long term diseases & improve their quality of life.

How can I tell if my dog is in need of a teeth cleaning?

As a responsible pet parent, you should be inspecting your dog’s teeth at home on a regular basis along with annual visits to your veterinarian. Plaque & tartar typically show up as a yellow/brown film on the teeth. Any redness of the gum-line or bad breath are also signs it’s time for a clean.

How often does my dog need it's teeth cleaned?

Honestly, that depends on many variables. The frequency of cleanings depends on the size, breed, diet, & age of your dog, as well as if you do any at-home dental care. Typically, we recommend regular teeth cleanings start around the age of 1-1.5 years old for a small dog, with cleanings every 6-12 months while large breeds can start around 2 years old, with cleanings every 12-18 months. Our technicians will give you a more specific recommendation for your dog during your service or consultation depending on what they see in their mouth at that time & tailor it individually for each dog.

Can we be with our dog(s) during the cleaning?

Unfortunately, no. As much as we know being with your dog would offer you comfort & reassurance with our process, you being present can actually cause more stress for your dog. Dogs are sensitive to what their owners do & feel & even a small amount of uncertainty & anxiety from you can cause your dog to be more anxious as well. Our technicians having that one-on-one interaction with the patient helps build trust so that the cleaning process goes as smoothly as possible.

Are there side effects to the anesthesia-free teeth cleanings?

No! That's one of the many positive aspects of our service! Since we use no anesthesia, medications, or sedatives to achieve our cleanings, there is no downtime for your pet! There are no diet restrictions before your dog's cleaning with us but we recommend not feeding your dog treats or full meals 1-2 hours after their appointment with us as the antibacterial oral rinse & prophy paste we use occasionally can cause dogs to have an upset tummy. But don't worry, it typically subsides in time for dinner!

Are there recommendations you have for dental treats, chews, or water additives?

A great start to see what dental products are approved & work for dogs is the Veterinary Oral Health Council's website for their seal of approval of products from chews to food to water additives & more. Products we know help your pet's teeth that we LOVE can be found here!

Have another question for us? Bark our way!